










2016-12-2603:小額借錢利息0高雄證件借款 免抵押品0銀行小額貸款率利最低信用卡小額借款利率台北小額借款3萬小額信用貸款利率高雄小額借錢銀行小額信貸利率最低>屏東民間小額借款高雄小額借貸小額信貸利率低小額借款利息怎算a高雄借錢週轉>彰化小額借款快速撥款銀行小額借款台中借錢 急

/ Staff writer, with CNASetting political preconditions for exchanges and cooperation between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait is not conducive to the normal and healthy development of cross-strait relations, the Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) said on Saturday.Commenting as a fair opened in Beijing to promote tourism and agricultural products from eight Taiwanese cities and counties governed by independent or Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT)-led administrations, the council said that the central government has always supported local governments and enterprises that conduct activities in China to promote their respective products and tourism.“It is not appropriate either to set political preconditions or offer preferential treatment to different parties for cross-strait exchanges and cooperation,” the council said in a statement, adding that market mechanisms should be adhered to, as they benefit the healthy development of enterprises on the two sides of the Strait.The council also urged Chinese authorities to take a healthy, comprehensive and pluralistic view of exchanges with Taiwan and to hold cross-strait talks through the existing mechanism to improve mutual understanding and protect the interests and rights of people on the two sides.The event, which is taking place at the Beijing Exhibition Center and is to conclude today, features 176 booths showcasing tea, kaoliang liquor, organic rice, pork meatballs, sausages and other agricultural products from Taiwan.The eight pan-blue administrative areas — Miaoli, Hsinchu, Nantou, Taitung, Hualien, Lienchiang and Kinmen counties, and New Taipei City — are favored by China because their leaders recognize the so-called “1992 consensus,” which refers to a tacit understanding between the KMT and the Chinese government that both sides acknowledge there is “one China,” with each side having its own interpretation of what “China” means.In 2006, former MAC chairman Su Chi (蘇起) admitted that he made up the term in 2000 before the KMT handed over power to the Democratic Progressive Party.China has insisted on the “1992 consensus” as the political foundation for exchanges between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait and has frozen official contacts with Taiwan in retaliation for President Tsai Ing-wen’s (蔡英文) refusal to endorse the “1992 consensus.”新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES

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